This section will be fed with best practices for conservation and transport of the bagasse from the experience of the BioSupPack project and feedback of the users.

Some of the best practices already observed for the transport and conservation of the bagasse to maintain its optimal conditions its valorization are:

• The bagasse must be preserved in the factory before its transport to avoid its fermentation, since once fermented, according to the project experience, it would not be suitable to produce PHA. Then, the bagasse must be preserved in cold rooms or even freezers. In cases where the storage period is less than 8 hours, the bagasse can be preserved with a layer of dry ice in the bagasse container. Another alternative is to preserve the bagasse in vacuum.

• For the collection, it is important to anticipate the bagasse availability and the logistics for its collection in order to improve the preservation of the bagasse.

• For the transport, the containers should be closed or packed in vacuum. Transport must be very fast, preferably 24H. The transport should be cold below 8º degrees or frozen for a better conservation.

• Storage at destination should be the same as explained above until its valorisation, avoiding long time periods of storage to preserve the raw material.

• Coordination of the timings at the collection point, transport and destination are very important in order to preserve the raw material since unexpected situations could damage the conditions of the raw material at destination.